Re: [SLUG] Microsoft Editorial

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Sun Jan 27 2002 - 08:38:06 EST

"Robin (Roblimo) Miller" wrote:

> Anita Pesola wrote:
> > That's a very good rebuttal, Tim, but knowing the Tampa Trib the way I do,
> > they'll edit the letter to suit *THEIR* views, not yours. That's what I hate
> > about newspapers and the liberal media. It's always slanted.
> ...
> Seriously, most general circulation newspapers' writers and editors are
> simply ignorant about tech issues. This has nothing to do with political
> orientation. And newspapers tend to err slightly on the side of large
> corporate advertisers (and potential advertisers), which is a more
> obvious (and probably more harmful) slant than any other.
> ...
> - Robin

   Perhaps ignorance is the root of all tech reporting, but I find the Tampa
Tribune to be distinctly conservative (ie butter cannot melt in the mouth of any
corporate CEO). After three years as a subscriber, I accidently got my hands on a
copy of the St. Pete Times. I switched immediately, and I prefer the quality of
the reporting and the more liberal editorial slant. Disclaimer: I am a Liberal
<note the captial L!>. Please direct all flames to the SLUG-Politics list.

   --Ronan Heffernan
     Stonewater Software, Inc.

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