Re: [SLUG] Re: "Some good reasons not to use Linux"

Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 20:22:24 EST

On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 06:22:49PM -0500, Robin (Roblimo) Miller wrote:
> >Other than proper CMYK colorspace support, what do you see as glaring
> >drawbacks in using "The Gimp" for full-on DTP?
> That's the dealbreaker right there. The rest of the "why I can't use
> Gimp even though I'd like to" talk I've heard from layout people
> revolved around filters and other minor issues. *BUT* it sounds as if
> Scribus, a (GPL) DTP program that's in works, has CMYK and (gasp)
> handles jumps. My reviewer -- a Linux user who works on a college paper
> that is locked to Quark -- seems to feel Gimp + Scribus isn't far from
> offering a viable replacement for Photoshop + Quark. The Scribusreview
> will be up next week

Spot color support, and specifically Pantone licensing. $$$


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