Re: [SLUG] KDE vs. Gnome

From: Nathan Woeber (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 06:43:05 EST

I feel that the system icons in Gnome are too big and it is harder to set up
links in Gnome compared to KDE. A better suite of applications and
utilities are present in the KDE desktop than Gnome. I do find I use some
apps in Gnome but I can access these in the menu for KDE without the Gnome
interface. I like the photograph in the Redhat 7.1 version of Gnome with
the guy with the red fedora, otherwise I stick to KDE. In fact with the
update manager in Redhat, I only see KDE upgrades and never an upgrade to
the Gnome desktop.

Andy W.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robin (Roblimo) Miller" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 11:39 PM
Subject: [SLUG] KDE vs. Gnome

> > Do you have any hard stats to back this up? (I'm not trying to be rude,
> > but all I've ever heard on this is opinions, never stats or real facts.)
> >
> > Paul
> I have no hard stats to back up my contention that KDE is far more
> popular than Gnome on office desktops. I don't think there are any
> accurate stats on the subject. But:
> 1) Every commercial Linux desktop installation I have ever seen with my
> own eyes used KDE.
> 2) KDE is the default desktop for both Mandrake and SuSE.
> 3) The FAA and other federal agencies now testing Linux with an eye
> toward wide deployment are all using KDE on their test machines.
> Maybe I should make KDE vs. Gnome vs. other desktops a poll.
> Not very accurate, but better than nothing, right?
> - Robin

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