Re: [SLUG] Revolution OS

From: Mario Lombardo (
Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 23:39:59 EST

I don't get that channel. I only have TWC standard. What's the name
of the program, and is there a way I can view it on the net?


>Thoughts on Revolution OS:
>I've been a Linux user for about 2 years now (started with RedHat
>6.1) and finally just received a full history lesson about my
>beloved OS. I never know the full extend of the history of GNU and
>the development of the free sofware/open source (I know that I
>shouldn't use those 2 terms together) movement. Just FYI, the movie
>was just on the sundance film channel (Time Warner channel 117) and
>should be showing pretty regularly throughout the next couple of
>weeks. If you see that it's on, I highly recommend that you watch it.
>Sam Breed

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