Re: [SLUG] swap drive, partition or no?

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 14:00:00 EST

On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 11:29, Ian C. Blenke wrote:
> seems to have followed through to the Linux world. Honestly, I can't
> remember if it's Andrea or Rik's VM that suggests the 2x physical RAM

Rik's orignal 2.4 VM "required" 2xRAM swap, Andrea's new one merely
recommends it. If you had 2.4 VM issues pre-2.4.10 (first one with the
newer aa-VM) and mentioned you had less than 2xRAM in swap, the core
kernel developers (ac in particular) would tell you that was your
problem and then ignore you, regardless of the actual issue.

It got REALLY ugly on LKML because of that ludicrous "requirement." A
lot of people argued that there were perfectly functional 2.2 machines
with less than 2xRAM worth of swap and to upgrade to a 2.4 kernel would
require repartitioning the system - not something you can lightly do if
you have massive file systems or very active systems that can only be
brought down for a short time during maintenance windows. It was also
pointed out that since 2.2 worked just fine with less than 2xRAM as
swap, there was no legitimate technical reason that 2.4 *must* *require*
at least 2xRAM as swap. The response to any of it was, "That's the way
it is. Don't bother us with your troubles until you have met the

Until Linux plopped the new VM in with 2.4.10, the early 2.4 kernel
release time period is the closest I've come to seriously considering
ditching Linux entirely for FreeBSD with a less wide-open and generally
slower but better planned development cycle.

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usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \ | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

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