Re: [SLUG] Apologizes

From: Ronald KA4INM Youvan (
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 03:09:08 EDT

> First, I am not making any copies of this software. I just know where
> you can find it. I don't really care if it is legal or not. I just know
> this person needs the software. If he is asking about that is because he
> needs it. I am giving a solution. My question to you Sir is why are you
> using linux?. As a matter of fact, Why did you start using linux?.

   I wasn't asked, but I will answer. I could not stand windows 3.1 or 3.11,
never enough resources (what ever they are) always 1/4 of my ikons were black,
my chum had more ikons and had no problems, (magic???) the `cure' I was told
was to up-grade to windoze 95, then I heard whom was the richest person on
this green earth, was it a king that owned all of the oil wells in his country,
no it was Mr. Bill Gates.
   I knew DOS Ver. 1 (which M$ bought from `the seattle software works'
(or such name) and IBM sold for $100 dollars less than its competition
(CP/M 86 by Digital Research, Inc.) thanks to some kind of sweet hart deal Bill
arranged for him self, had DOS calls that their instructions both printed
and in programming classes called `don't use', reserved, test only etc.
were infact being used by M$ programs to speed up their operations,
they have always lied to give themselves advantages even though folks
paid $ to learn out how to program in IBM DOS.

  I looked for an alternate operating system, feeling I needed my bucks much more

than M$ does. (To pay for bug removal!!!) I found a totally free version

of UNIX and I jumped on it. I discovered LINUX needs support, so I buy every
major upgrade of Slackware, about every other year, directly from .
(I also get drivers for more modern hardware and tested newer versions of kernel)

Other than that 90 degree `toe' on the learning curve everything about it has

been superb. It is totally programmable. So as a HAM radio operator, when an

important process ends, (such as write to a CD-R or CD-RW) it sends the result
(OK or error) to me in international morse code. (over the speakers) I love it!

   I always talk up HAM radio and LINUX, but it is a personal choice, both are
much more work and not for everyone. I am talking about LINUX not the X system,
which is not LINUX, it just runs over LINUX, as it will run over DOS or windoze.

       73 (= Best Regards) de: Ron
    100% LINUX, 100% of the time. SENT Time and Date are wrong
        Visit my HAM Web SITE at:

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