Re:Re: [SLUG] Modem Pooling

Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 16:46:34 EDT

Hello Ian:

Thanks for your comments and the highly technical information that you have provided to the group.
Your comment of the modem is almost dead rang a loud bell with me. Here is why:

I work for a company that makes traffic counting, classifying, weight in motion, traffic controllers (plus another ton of garbage for the traffic industry) and they all are used at Federal, State, County, Cities and Police departments to name a few.
The entities HAVE TO talk to each station, monitor, download data etc. Guess what they all use and request from our software:

Windblows, modems and the ability to communicate with the stations at speeds ranging from 1200 to 9600 bauds at will or with autopolls.
Does not sound high techie does it?

And as far as I know the entities have decided that they will have these specifications at least for the next ten years.

The end of the modem for other people must likely YES.
The end of the modem for us mere mortals (people working with the Federal entities) I don't think so.

My humble opinion of course.

Please, I would like to ask you for a favor:
Some of the stuff you detailed went right over my head, if you have the time would you be so kind to write it on a lower level so maybe I and some other people can grasp the technical side of it.

Ramiro Souto

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