[SLUG] Fw: website must be viewed with IE

From: Patrick \(at work\) (pwgrant@cssi-fl.com)
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 09:59:23 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Economic Development Council - Sue Lathrop" <slathrop@manateeedc.com>
To: "patrick grantham" <pwgrant@cssi-fl.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 12:53 PM
Subject: re: must be IE

> Patrick,
> Although we are not ready to boycott Microsoft products, I can understand
your frustration and apologize for any inconvenience experienced by you and
those who agree
> with your stance on Internet Explorer.
> When we reviewed our options for a new web site we were looking for
features that would provide a seamless delivery of information to our
potential clients, provide office integration within our organization, and
incorporate some unique features such as the dynamic generation of PDF
files. In order to achieve our goals we were faced with much higher
programming costs to provide cross browser and interoffice software
compatibility, or decide on a single platform. We reviewed the latest
browser statistics and saw that Netscape had much less than ten percent of
that market. (
> http://www.thecounter.com/stats/2001/December/browser.php ) Consequently
with that information and our VERY modest budget we decided to develop the
web site and later provide a Netscape version with fewer features.
> >> What a wacky decision to shut out browsers other than MSIE.
> Sue Lathrop
> Economic Development Council
> Phone: (941) 748-4842 ext. 125
> E-mail: SLathrop@ManateeEDC.com
> Web Site: www.ManateeEDC.com

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