Re: [SLUG] Need some guidance

From: Chuck Hast (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 22:38:11 EDT

On Monday 01 July 2002 22:07 L, you wrote:

> That will work, you can also leave it alone and use scp top copy it over to
> your new box. Assuming you are talking about your user dir. Otherwise I'd
> build the new box from scratch and then add the user dir.

Yes, or I may leave the home directory in there and pull all the needed stuff
out leaving the rest there. I really will probably pull all out and totally
format the drive again.

> Just beware, I've read a number of complaints about instability. See
> mailinglist. It should import it though.

OK I will check it out, amoung other things I am going to try to build
up a machine that "looks" like a windows box so I can try to get it
into the office as a desktop and show them we do not have to give
the Microsoft Vampire so much money to do day to day things.

> Nah, will be fine. A 486 can fill a T1. Keep X off it though, It needs a
> lot of RAM and CPU. Plus it's to easy to leave a security hole. Why 40G on
> the server though? Sounds like you could do well on a 4G drive. RAM is more
> important than disk space, and you have 256 so it will probably be just
> fine.

I do not plan to run X on it, may use it every once in a while, but I set up
all my machines to come up in command line THEN if I want X I start it up
for the duration of the time I am at the console. I will do more stuff with
WebAdmin than X for that sort of thing.

> Install Tripwire and Snort then have syslog (-h) log to another box too.
> Don't leave any ports open, or services running, that are not absolutely
> needed. (Your best bet for a firewall is OpenBSD. In a class of it's
> own...)

The firewall is a separate box, right now it is a LinkSys box, but I have a
bunch of old boxes at work that are probably going out to the dumpster,
so I will probably grab one and put coyote or trinux on it and try that.

Chuck Hast
To paraphrase my flight instructor;
"the only dumb question is the one you DID NOT ask resulting in my
going out and having to identify your bits and pieces in the midst of
torn and twisted metal."

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