From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 16:54:36 EDT

On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 16:38, Russ Wright wrote:
> Hi All!
> Need some help. I'm replacing my venerable linux laptop with a more up to
> date model. I'm down to two choices. All options are about the same however
> one has an NVIDIA GeForce video card and the other has an ATI Radeon video
> card.
> OK so when I'm not slaving away over web development I like to goof off by
> playing Unreal Tournament. Xfree has drivers for both, and Nvidia actually
> released their own modules.
> So now my question, what is your experience with this sort of stuff? Which is
> better ATI or NVIDIA?

My take in a nutshell:

Pros: best performance, period
Cons: binary-only driver; occasional, irregular reports of instability;
Linux users are dependent on the whims of nVidia for driver upgrades and
support of future chipsets


Pros: open source driver; pretty good performance; will get better over
time as the driver stabilizes and improves
Cons: occasional, irregular reports of instability; hardwarewise, the
best performance from a Radeon chip isn't going to match the best
performance of a like-generation nVidia chip; any future improvements to
the driver are assuming the driver developers won't get sidetracked by
something sexier (see: Matrox chipset support); Linux users are
dependent on the whims of ATI for support of future chipsets

It really comes down to, in simplest form: do you want performance or open-source?

-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #!/usr/bin/perl -w $_='while(read+STDIN,$_,2048){$a=29;$b=73;$c=142;$t=255;@t=map {$_%16or$t^=$c^=($m=(11,10,116,100,11,122,20,100)[$_/16%8])&110; $t^=(72,@z=(64,72,$a^=12*($_%16-2?0:$m&17)),$b^=$_%64?12:0,@z) [$_%8]}(16..271);if((@a=unx"C*",$_)[20]&48){$h=5;$_=unxb24,join "",@b=map{xB8,unxb8,chr($_^$a[--$h+84])}@ARGV;s/...$/1$&/;$d= unxV,xb25,$_;$e=256|(ord$b[4])<<9|ord$b[3];$d=$d>>8^($f=$t&($d >>12^$d>>4^$d^$d/8))<<17,$e=$e>>8^($t&($g=($q=$e>>14&7^$e)^$q* 8^$q<<6))<<9,$_=$t[$_]^(($h>>=8)+=$f+(~$g&$t))for@a[128..$#a]} print+x"C*",@a}';s/x/pack+/g;eval

usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \ | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

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