Re: [SLUG] need some PHP web development help with church website

From: Mike Manchester (
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 19:10:57 EDT

Well I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the web site. But if
it's easy install and maintance you are looking for check out
ezcontents. It's a fine CMS (content management system), I'm using it
for my web site.
Ezcontents web site is.

If you would like to take a look at a website I created with Ezcontents
you can check out

All you need is mysql installed and follow their install instructions
and of course knowing a little html doesnt' hurt :) and you're all set.

It's very easy to admin and very flexable. Saves me lots of time. And
you can even set up multiple people as admins or updaters.

Mike M.

Derek Glidden wrote
 Thu, 2002-07-11 at 23:29, Russ Wright wrote:

>>You guys are a laugh a minute!
>>Good jokes too.
>>But seriously, if you have the skills and the time I could really use some
>>help putting the site together.
>Ok, in all seriousness:
>* what are you trying to accomplish?
>* If you just want a kind of "community" website, have you looked at
>PostNuke? ( - and use PostNuke over PHPNuke
>because as far as I can tell, PHPNuke seems to have been effectively
>abandoned by its original author, while PostNuke is still under serious

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