RE: [SLUG] RE: Neither smbd nor nmbd will start - solution

From: Clay, John (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 15:55:54 EDT

Thanks to the help 'yall provided I kept looking and finally found the
problem. I was close to reloading the OS.

swat generated: /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf

Since thats where the file was located I assumed thats the file that would
be read when starting samba. Apparently thats the wrong assumption because
when I ran testparm it indicated that /etc/samba/smb.conf was not found. I
copied the file to /etc/samba and rebooted the machine. Lo and behold, smbd
and nmbd were in the process list.

Since swat generated smb.conf I felt that it would be syntactically correct
and didn't run testparm. Never thought about testparm's implicit testing for
location and the possibility that swat would put the file in the wrong place
- I won't make that mistake again.

Question: Is the swat placement of smb.conf by design or what?

Thanks for the help

John Clay

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Miller []
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 10:57 AM
To: SLUG List
Subject: Re: [SLUG] RE: Neither smbd nor nmbd will start - log file
entry is...

On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 10:10, Clay, John wrote:
> Ran smbd as root in full debug: /usr/sbin/smbd -d 10
> /var/log/syslog has line: Jul 22 09:05:44 humphry inetd[74]:
> server failing (looping), service terminated
> Ran nmbd as root in full debug as well - get exactly the same entry in
> syslog

It appears you are spawning samba from the internet superdaemon -- inetd
versus running nmbd and smbd as separate daemons. Have you tried running
either (or both) manually? First you will need to comment out the smbd
and nmbd entries in inetd.conf and do a "kill -HUP" to the inetd process

    # vi /etc/inetd.conf # comment out then save #
    # ps axf | grep inetd | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | xargs \
    kill -HUP
    # /usr/sbin/nmbd -D -d 10
    # /usr/sbin/smbd -D -d 10
> Complete search of drive yields no smbd.log file

It might be called samba.log ?? If not, check your syslog(s).

> /etc/inetd.conf has rw- permissions for root

Technically only read access is necessary for root to parse the file.

If that doesn't help, Google is your friend...

Matt Miller
Systems Administrator
MP TotalCare
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