Re: [SLUG] Port Probing Tool Needed

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 18:27:58 EDT

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 09:16:20PM -0400, Brian Coyle wrote:


> And IANAL, but I'd be remiss not to mention this:
> Florida Statute 815 - "The Computer Crimes Act". ?
> This law was enacted in 1978 and makes it a third degree
> felony for "Whoever willfully, knowingly, and without
> authorization accesses or causes to be accessed any computer,
> computer system, or computer network; or whoever willfully,
> knowingly, and without authorization denies or causes the denial
> of computer system services to an?authorized user of such
> computer system services, which, in whole or part, is owned by,
> under contract to, or operated for, on behalf of, or in
> conjunction with another commits an offense against computer
> users."

IMHO, port scanning is like knocking on the door. You haven't actually
accessed anything. You're just trying to find out if you _could_ access
it. Now, if you take that information and do something untoward with it,
that's another matter. Under normal circumstances, I can go up to your
front door, knock and see if the front door's open. At the moment I
actually open the door and walk in, _now_ I'm "breaking and entering".
Of course, like Bryan, IANAL.


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