Re: [SLUG] Star Office and Open Office

From: Bill (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 03:46:35 EDT

On Thursday 25 July 2002 00:42, you wrote:
> Ok guys I know this maybe a dumb question but what is the difference
> between Open Office and Star Office? Aren't both by Sun?
> What would you recommend out of Star, Open, or KOffice?
> Thanks
> -Jason

Both by Sun, both share a common code base. Star includes some licensed
proprietary code that can not be GPL'd because Sun doesn't own it.

I use Open Office simply because there was a big gap between the close of the
beta program for Star and the time it was available for sale ... and their
license extensions on the beta did not stretch far enough. Open Office does
all I need it to do ... and probably all 90% of people would need. It has a
couple of minor quirks and could run a tad faster ... but that is true for
every suite I have ever encountered.

It has been a long time since I looked at another product so I don't think my
observations on Koffice would hold much water anyway.

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