Re: [SLUG] Exchange Client for Linux Desktop

From: robin (
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 15:34:21 EDT

> AFAIK, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is
> no native Linux application that interacts fully with Exchange 5.5 as
> does Outlook in Windows.

Check - they have some products that might help. I'd
have written some articles about them by now, but they have one of the
most moronic PR people I've run across in the last year. I'm going to
bypass her shortly. These people concentrate on replacing Exchange, but
I believe their "connector" product might do what you need.

There's another company (from the Phillipines) that's supposed to have
some hot Exchange/Outlook connection/replacement software, but I don't
know where I put my contact info for them. I'll send it if/when I find it.

- Robin

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