RE: [SLUG] New Linux Users Group Forming

From: David Meyer (
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 17:56:04 EDT


You can use Star Office to do this.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Jan
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] New Linux Users Group Forming

Ian, on this page on your web site:

you have seven different copies of your resume saved in different
formats. One is in html and the other six are all Microsoft formats.
You are not even giving the open source formats a chance. Looks like
your using Microsoft in your buisness just like David Meyer is doing.
Nothing wrong with that. I use both too. I guess that makes you a
Windows oriented user.

"Honestly, I use Linux on the desktop exclusively."

Ian C. Blenke wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-09-04 at 14:29, David Meyer wrote:
>>Russ, you seem to have an opinion about absolutely everything, and don't
>>mind sharing it with the group. That's fine. It was you who called me a
>>troll a few months back. It was you who called me a Windows oriented
>>Guess what Russ, until Linux can do everything that Bill's OS can do, I
>>no choice to use BOTH do 95% of the world's largest
>>If that bothers you, fine. I can't make everyone happy, and I'm not going
>>to break a sweat trying with you.
> Guess what, David, I rarely touch Microsoft products during the week -
> and that only to support paying customers who demand on using it for
> their business. If I had my druthers, all of our users would use
> OpenSource tools on Linux boxen. But, nothing in life is ideal.
> I'm tired of hearing users bemoan how they can't get their work done in
> a Linux environment. Honestly, I use Linux on the desktop exclusively.
> Evolution is as close to Outlook as any user has a right need to be
> (outside of calendaring), Mozilla is a kick-arse browser, and the rest
> of my day is spent in ssh shells to numerous boxen fixing customer
> problems - often with the help of VNC. I would rather not get into a
> battle over such things, however - whatever works for my customers is
> what I will support. Period.

Jan Mason

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