[SLUG] IS this just me?

From: Mike Manchester (mchester@pobox.com)
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 19:34:51 EDT

While filling out tons of on line job applications. I'm running into a
problem and don't know if it's me, my puter or Linux. Here's the
Open Open Office and select all (lets say about 100 lines of text) then
open an email and try to paste the the email. I can only seem to paste
about 10 lines at a time. This makes filling out applications a already
time consuming operation even longer. Is there someway to increase the
size of this cut and paste buffer or solve the problem. Provided that
you have the problem. NOTE: This doesn't seem to be OpenOffice as the
same problem exists with Abiword as well.

Mike M.

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