Re: [SLUG] Can't find SAMBA shares using WAN

From: Adrian deLisser (
Date: Fri Sep 27 2002 - 00:17:48 EDT


With the netgear router configured to forward all requests, check to see
if the netbios requests (from the Internet) actually make it to your
Linux machine. Good candidates are tcpdump or ethereal.


On Thu, 2002-09-26 at 22:14, Carsten Dannat wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> yes, every request is forwarded to the IP address of the linux box.
> yes, I can access e.g. apache and vnc server.
> yes, this is my situation.
> THX,
> Carsten
> Joe wrote:
> > Let me get this striaght...
> > You have your router set to forward (for external connections from the
> > internet) the netbios ports (among other ports) to your linux box running
> > samba.
> > Also you can access other services running on the linux box via the internet.
> > Is this a correct assesment of your situation?
> >
> > -Joe
> >
> >
> > On Thursday 26 September 2002 02:16 pm, you wrote:
> >
> >>Carsten Dannat wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hi Ben,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Just to clarify, do I understand correctly that your Win2k machine CAN
> >>>>see the shares when connected by wire, but NOT when wireless?
> >>>
> >>>Win2K can see the shares even when connected wireless.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>You mentioned port forwarding. Do both machines have private IP
> >>>>addresses?
> >>>
> >>>The Linux Server has assigned a stattic IP address and
> >>>the Win2K laptop receives a dynamic IP address from the routers's DHCP
> >>>server.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Are the shares out on the Internet somewhere? Perhaps you could try
> >>>>setting up a share on your Win2k machine and making sure that your Linux
> >>>>machine can see and use them, and vice versa.
> >>>
> >>I shared a directory on my Win2k machine, but the Linux machine is not
> >>able to browse the local network at all (using Konquerer, I get the
> >>response -> "could not connect to host localhost").
> >>
> >>I can ping from my Win2K box to the Linux machine using the IP address
> >>or the name, but I can't ping from the Linux machine to the Win2K
> >>machine using the Win2K'2 computer name, only the IP address works.
> >>
> >>In the file /etc/resolv.conf I have two nameserver entries: One is
> >>assigned by Roadrunner, the other is the IP address of the Netgear MR314
> >>router.
> >>
> >>Mmmmhhh ???
> >>
> >>
> >>Carsten
> >
> >
> >

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