[SLUG] First Aol Computer

From: bpreece1@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 00:53:47 EST

Hey folks,
Though I am by no means a AOL fan and now especially since I now do tech
Support for their DSL users
one of the Guys training us brought this to my attention and they are very
anxious on this http://www.msnbc.com/news/813350.asp?cp1=1

It seems that AOL and Lindows is trying to strike a deal. To make the
Walmart $299.00 PC and Load it with AOL settings. This may help the
popularity take off how ever if the Xandros Distro is as good as Tina
Gasperson wrote about then Perhaps they should look into that instead being
loaded on the Wal-Mart Pc's
Then they make a huge move forward to strike up more interest.

I was trying to see if there was a write up on the Lindows AOL stuff on
Newsforge but the search was down.
Sorry if I am late to this news and if it may have already been covered.

Any ways where I just started at they want to test some other Linux stuff
this could be interesting.

We will see.

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