Ok, pay close attention now this is going to be fun.
I get a login prompt at the console of my RH 7.2 installation. I get no
login prompt if I connect to the box in any other way( via ssh, putty,
or http). I can ftp from the box to anywhere else, but I cannot ftp
into the box. I get connection refused.
I have modems connected to a digiboard running off the serial port and
they will get the terminal light on if I do "init q'. that lasts for
about a minute and an half and then the TR light drops out.
If I use hyperlink and try to connect via modem while the modem tr light
is lit, I get connected but with not login prompt,, just a blank
screen,, and no functionality of course.
Any ideas about what is going on? I have turned off the firewall
through the setup program and still I am effectively locked out.
And as an aside, samba connections work just fine. But then they do not
ask for a login.
Michael C. Rock
Systems Analyst
Registered Linux User # 287973
"The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things,,,"
"Christians give up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose"
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