On Tuesday 03 December 2002 23:55, Josh Tiner wrote:
> Hey all,
> I recently had to convert one of my favorite linux workstations
> over to windows xp thanks to school projects. I know, I hated to
> do it too, so hold the flames...
> At any rate, here is the current situation. I currently have two
> boxes: one is named zeppelin the other is named marlboro.
> Zeppelin is a winxp professional box now. Marlboro is running
> redhat 8.0.
> I need marlboro to share some of it's directories to my win box
> so naturally I installed samba. After configuring the
> /etc/samba/smb.conf file and checking it for sanity I restarted
> the smbd service on the linux box.
> From my windows machine, I can see my linux box's name, however I
> cannot see any of the shares availible to me. Needless to say,
> that really sucks. I consulted www.samba.org and went through the
> trouble shooting guide. This what they said:
Sounds like the builtin firewall is blocking one or several ports
137:udp, 138:udp and 139:tcp (I think). Look in
/etc/sysconfig/iptables. There has to be lines with these ports
saying ACCEPT. (Unless it's not on, but it is by default.)
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