Re: [SLUG] Raid 1 with Linux question

From: Ken Billings (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 20:29:51 EST

On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 10:31, Ian C. Blenke wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 December 2002 21:38, wrote:
> > Bashing is not suppose to be on this list. If you feel the need to insult
> > please take it to the politics list thanks.
> The world could do with a little less hate. So I'll address Ken's points
> below...

<sigh> ... I truly apologize for the confusion, Ian. I have a somewhat
sarcastic personality, and every once in awhile it doesn't come across
correctly over the net. Try re-reading my original mail with the
"clueless" person being the one I quoted. At the time I thought it was
obvious, but I guess that's what sleep deprivation can do to you. :)
I would _never_ insult you or anyone directly on this list. In fact, I
have nothing but the highest opinion of you and your grey matter.
That's actually what prompted me to post in the first place. After I
had read your excellent reply to the original cry for help, I noticed it
had been posted on SVLUG as well, with the only reply being the complete
FUD I forwarded here. My intent was to give you an opportunity to share
your insight there as well, if you were interested. With all the
messages about getting decent help and instruction in the opensource
world, I thought the whole thing was appropriate. Good intent, bad
implementation, I guess...
Again, sorry for the confusion and inappropriate tone. Apologies to the
list for the noise, as well. I hope you don't hold it against me. ;)


> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Ken Billings" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 9:17 PM
> > Subject: Re: [SLUG] Raid 1 with Linux question
> >
> > > I think you're wrong, Ian. The poster I've forwarded below seems to
> > > know the _REAL_ answer.
> > > ...Don't you hate it when the clueless speak like they are the
> > > authority?
> > > This came from the SVLUG list. As yet no one has responded
> > > intelligently.
> Ken, I'm confused by your comment. I have personally used software RAID with
> the failed-disk method to convert a running Linux install to use RAID 1
> without wiping anything. This is first-hand experience. Granted, it has been
> a while (3ware 6400 Escallade controllers are $99 ;)
> > > There is no way to build RAID and preserve existing data on one of the
> > > disks.
> Yes. There is. In fact, it's been written up in at least one HOWTO (from a
> quick 30 second google search):
> > > I am not sure if I understood this question. But make sure you don't do
> > > RAID on same disk. It makes no any sense at all.
> Of course not. He has an extra disk, which is of equal or larger size. That's
> what I derived from his email, anyway.
> *sigh*
> --
> - Ian C. Blenke <>
> (This message bound by the following:

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