Re: [SLUG] Linux Missionaries

From: Todd Robinson (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 22:47:03 EST

I commented the same to Paul off list. This opens a bigger discussion
of the competency of our missionaries, some default rate to charge,
professionalism, ground rules of conduct, basic understanding of
liability, more...

I think it's a great idea, and would even like to see maybe some
advanced level of SLUG that could be oriented towards training. SLUG
SAGE? We could have an unofficial competency grade for missionaries,
then if there was enough interest we could organize training for LPI or
RH certs.

Hmmm, lots of questions... Should there be some fee to join and should
some of the missionary rate go back to SLUG SAGE? This could help
offset the cost for cert. training materials. Certainly working as a
local group would make studying for these certs easier. With some
already cert'd people in the group, pre-test Q&A would make for a better
prepaired candidate. And, certainly this would make for better job

My $.02


On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 21:24, Russell Hires wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> This is a good idea, but we need to be careful about sending Linux people out
> who aren't "qualified." I don't necessarily mean RHCE's, but some basic
> modicum of knowledge/experience so that Linux doesn't become a bad word
> because of a bad experience.
> It's also important that missionaries who do go out prevent people from
> looking over their shoulder as installation/support takes place. This can
> make doing any troubleshooting or even basic installing difficult, and can
> lead to a bad experience....
> Maybe we could have a "Suncoast LUG Certification?" Nothing so thorough as
> RHCE, but basic minimum level of expertise? I would recommend this even if
> people were going out for free.
> Sound good?
> Russell

Todd Robinson <>

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