Here is my opinion, and yeah I know its not worth much.
Why make a project out of this? Why not just keep it simple? I mean there
could be a list and everyone on the list could have an identifier such as H
for home and C for commercial,etc. Each person on the list could have a short
descriptive and something like home n/c, business=? or something simple like
that and it should not be implied. It would also be up to the "user" for
agreed payment. If the project was not successfully completed or help was not
of caliber to remedy/help then payment was not due. Also as mentioned there
could/should be a gratis system to help new users, I am speaking of a
home/ocassional user and not a commercial concern Obviously a gratis
situation costs nothing but time , be aware that there comes into scope a
liability issue when dealing with a comericial concern--if you fudge a
business operation there can and often will be repercussions/costs.
As for the commercial/business again no set fee because this would be a block,
but the fee could be negotiated on an as needed basis ( the more complex the
more it costs) it should be up to the "user" to determine the qualifications
of the provider. If the person saying he can set the companies servers etc
cannot provide the credentials, experience, then he probably wouldn't be used
I don't think this should be associated with Suncoast Linux Users Group with
anything other than a listing facility. Anything more would then open the
door to responsibility/liability. Any form of creditation by SLUG opens the
door to liability for the SLUG, even by the home user that says a certified
expert ruined their computer doing whatever.
It is a great concept and would be a good thing to try but I would not
recommend any sort of accreditation or stipulations as to ability because of
the liabilities. I do think there are more than a few home users that would
be open to help and willing to pay for assistance but I do believe that
compensation/charges should be kept between the parties concerned.As was
mentioned earlier just going over to offer assistance to new users is great,
and if they want to pay even better, but if there is some sort of fee
schedule that would imply business and somewhere along the like big brother
would be there with his hand out (taxes etc).
The summary of this long statement is that a list is a great idea the people
on the list can list/offer whatever accreditations they have, even if it is
only user experience. That should be the extent though, let the listees and
the prospective "users" work out the details themselves and the
responsibility then becomes theirs and a very helpfull addition to the SLUG
website will be appreciated and used without any hurt feelings or civil
Of course this is just my opinion,
registered user #191255
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