[SLUG] BSD drive problem was firewall problem

From: Mikes work account (mrock@stewartsigns.com)
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 16:16:55 EST

I have a BSD drive that will not boot. It tries and then throws the
system into a reboot. This was in our firewall that has died. My boss
wants me to copy the drive in total on to another drive and try to boot
that in the firewall. Problem is I don't know how to do that. My
bootable drive is my RH8.0 and that is just fine. The BSD drive just
tries to boot, but as expected nothing comes to the screen because it
did not have a screen to send anything to. I was a blind boot
situation. If I can get to the data then maybe I can fix what is wrong
buy doing a fsck on the drive somehow. But I need direction on this

Can anyone give me a step by step for getting to the drive that won't
boot and mount it on my RH drive.

Michael C. Rock
Systems Analyst
Registered Linux User # 287973

"The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things,,,"
"Christians give up what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot lose"

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