Re: [SLUG] bogus info?

From: Mario Lombardo (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 15:26:57 EST

I don't know what ur talking about. In my sacred family, we don't
marry folks on the outside. It just ain't pure blood.


>what you wrote about life span has been my experience as well. As far as
>the identity goes: Rather than starting a family feud. Let's just say it's
>a spouse of a sibling of the spouse of one of my parents siblings.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Smitty" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 12:40 PM
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] bogus info?
>> On Friday 13 December 2002 12:04, you wrote:
>> > I self proclaimed "expert" tells that - no uncertain terms - that Unix
>> > Linux) trash hard drives after two-three years. What he says is that
>> > because of the heavy load that Unix puts on the heads and actuator, they
>> > wear sooner than they would on a M$ box. Could this have been true at
>> > time? I've been in this game a while (albeit on the M$ side of the
>> > but on the Linux side for about 3 years now. Sounds like bunk to me.
>> > thoughts?
>> The person who told you that is spreading misinformation and it Never was
>> for Linux or any unix type op sys I am familiar with. Hard drives
>> wear out in 4-5 years on Any operating system. Could you please enlighten
>> as to this person's identity? This is no point in protecting the guilty.
>> Smitty

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