[SLUG] Broke my Log-In

From: R. Stia (rnr@sanctum.com)
Date: Thu Dec 19 2002 - 05:55:16 EST

Hello Sluggers

Well....I did it. Broke my Login somehow.

Running Suse 8.0, KDE 3.04. I decided to clean out a bunch of
/tmp files because my / partition is filled up.

When I boot up I get the normal KDE login screen. I choose the
user and the password and hit enter. The process starts but then
I am returned to the login screen. Same thing happens again for
any user that I try or any window manager that I try. I can login
as root.

After logging in as root I looked at all of the options in Yast.
users, groups,passwords, etc. but everything appears to be OK.
Still, I cannotlogin as a user.

I have no idea where to go from here.

Help!! Please?

Bob S.

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