Re: [SLUG] linux angst in the workplace

From: chris clement (
Date: Thu Dec 19 2002 - 13:37:59 EST

Everywhere I have worked non-MS solutions were considered "non standard". It
was ok, though, since there always was a full-time cadre of certified techs
to fix the workstations. At home, it is an entirely different matter. I
can't afford downtime over things I can't control or spend time and money on
endless upgrades just to do my text-based work.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Walker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: [SLUG] linux angst in the workplace

> I am wondering if any fellow linux users/admins out
> there are experiencing an intolerance for linux in
> their workplaces - as a workstation or infrastructure
> component?
> I sure as hell am.
> If so, what are you doing to combat such things? Are
> you slowly working your way in, (my wife tells me that
> I can catch more flies with honey), or did you
> overcome said ignorance by isntalling a dual-boot and
> risking termination? Assuming that the earlier
> scenario is common, what are some arguments that you
> make to people that simply don't grasp computing
> enough to truly understand that a linux workstation is
> a more productive tool than an MS environment?
> Currently, I am using cygwin for the sake of sanity.
> Regards,
> -Matt
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