Well, here's one I don't quite understand.
This morning my machine was realllllllly slow it went from being a 1.1
Gig to a 50 mhz processor. So I decided to reboot it took the machine
about 8 mins to boot and 9 mins to startx.
All things pointed to a hard drive going bad or was bad. So in
desperation I decided to boot into rescue mode and run fsck.ext3. Well
after about 2 hours of fsck.ext3 running I rebooted and now all appears
to working.
I'm glad I was able to fix it. But now I have this lingering desire to
understand what/why this might have happened. Note on no boot ups did I
get any kind of file system checks. Just a reallllllly slow machine.
Any incite into this would be appreciated.
Mike M.
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