another thought might be to run the laptop w/o the battery in it. I've
been doing that lately even though the battery is toast.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt []
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 5:07 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Questions about laptop batteries
I got an IBM ThinkPad 390e about 8 months ago and when I first got it
the battery life was not bad at all - mostly lasting about 3 hours. I
keep it on power all the time but I do cycle it from time to time to
keep the health of it somewhat decent. I had win98/winxp on here for
about 3 months and I could set my watch by the life, it was always
exactly the same.
Last week when I went to cycle it I notice that once I get down to about
91% it drops to 5% and alerts me. Now that I been testing it I notice
it's doing this every time I go to cycle.
I have been using gkrellm and xapm to watch the time/power left but
wanted to know if there are any other tools I can use or tricks to find
out what exactly is going on.
I use SuSE 8.1 Pro
-- Matt <> Textbox Networks
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