Ok here is the deal that I am trying to get to again.
I know that earthlink's server settings for a direct connection to them !
Next I know Time warners settings for Road Runner.
How ever I have road runner as my connection I can not reply to a mindspring
directed message through a mindspring earthlink smtp server using the
default server. IN other words
I get a e-mail from billybob sent to my savatage@mindspring.com address.
Next I want to reply to billybob from my savatage@mindspring.com account. If
I use the default setting for earthlink aka mindspring servers it will
reject my mail because it is being accessed from Time Warner Road Runner
which they block. How ever some one on the list posted with this delima a
few months ago and got a alternat Earthlink aka mindspring server address
that had no problems accepting the message being sent through road runner to
their smtp server.
It was not a earthlink.net or mindspring.com server name it was something
else does anyone have the archive thread of that server name or address that
allows this?
again the mail.mindspring or smtp.earthlink.net servers will not allow this.
How ever there is a alternate SMTP server that will allow it. That is what I
need the address of thanks.
Bill Preece
-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Hires <rhires@earthlink.net>
To: slug@nks.net <slug@nks.net>
Date: Thursday, January 02, 2003 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Need some help with Earthlinks server settings.
>Hash: SHA1
>Hmmm...let's see...smtpauth.earthlink.net, but you need to set the correct
>hash for security. POP is just mail.earthlink.net. I'm guessing you're
>sendmail or exim or something like that to handle outgoing mail?
>On Wednesday 01 January 2003 22:43 pm, you wrote:
>> Can who ever posted the server settings for posting remotely through a
>> Runner access please post the Pop and SMTP settings thanks.
>> Bill Preece
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