[SLUG] Announcement: Formation of a new LUG

From: Smitty (a.smitty@verizon.net)
Date: Sat Jan 04 2003 - 19:28:26 EST

The Tampa Bay area has a new linux user's group: We are called FLALUG, an
acronym for Florida Linux User's Group. This group was founded by David
Meyer and myself to provide a more free forum for communication between
gnu/linux users both on the email list and in activities.
The website is at: http://www.flalug.org
>From that site you can sign up for the email list where you can freely post
linux hardware and software items for sale, offer jobs to linux programmers
and system administrators, or even post technical questions. At that website
you may read our very simple, sensible and straightforward posting policy.

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