On Sunday 05 January 2003 22:06, you wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 09:41:49PM -0500, David R. Meyer wrote:
> > Dazie,
> >
> > As I think we have pointed out to everyone's satisfaction, this LUG is
> > not about us getting our way...its about offering an alternative /
> > supplement. If there is going to be any fight over this, it will be
> > because you choose to make one, not us. This will be my only response
> > to you because you obviously have not taken the time to read the entire
> > thread and discover what the new LUG is about.
> Dazie has an opinion. Everyone is entitled to one. By now, you should know
> mine ;)
There is no refuting that she has an opinion and that everyone is entiltled to
one. Looks to me like an invalidation of his response.
> > You don't like it...that's fine. We've explained over and over again
> > just what this is about, and interestingly enough, most of the SLUG
> > group seems OK with it.
> It's rather thoroughly dead at this point. As others have mentioned,
> this is probably better discussed further on the slug-politics list.
That is your opinion. "Everyone is entitled to one" as you stated.
> > As for not getting members...at the time of your uninformed and
> > rather poorly worded email, there were 18 new members on our new LUG.
> > Not bad for 24 hours with the only advertising being the SLUG list.
> Much of it is simply morbid curiosity ;)
I think you should just speak for yourself. Your motives are clearer now.
> > If you want an alternative or supplement to your SLUG experience, which
> > it appears that you are new to, then please feel free to join us despite
> > your reference to our apparent adolescence. We welcome anyone who wants
> > to learn and contribute. However, if this is the extent of your
> > contribution, at least I got a good laugh before I hop in my hot tub.
> *sigh* I really don't see the point of picking on people, do you?
So knock it off, Ian.
> Not everyone enjoys your genius, Dave.
Not everyone enjoys your snide remarks, Ian.
> - Ian
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