Please let us let the thread die. The name I came up with because FLUG was
already taken. I don't know you and had no idea of your plans. It is an
easy choice to make. We are not forking SLUG. Actually, you may consider
this an extra activity. It is not a SLUG vs. FLALUG proposition. It could
be one, both, or neither. I don't want there to be any rancor. We are not
enemies. So, let's move on and drop this thread, please.
On Sunday 05 January 2003 23:41, you wrote:
> The only thing that kinda bugs me is how the name was choosen after an idea
> I had a while back was mentioned.
> about an Alliance called FLA Florida Linux Alliance. This was to be a way
> to unite the Florida Linux Users Group
> Such as Melbourne, The Orlando Leap of Faith and the Jax Lug. This was to
> unite and be able to get a show case down here for the Linux Community.
> I would have thougt if you were going to start a new Group you would have
> come up with something like BLUG Brandon Linux Users Group?
> Even Steve Litt from Leap Of Faith knows of my Idea. I guess that kinda
> burns me a bit as for the name.
> As for Dazie's remark there is a valid reason she said that. Every since
> stuff has come to be a problem with you feelings towards SLUG. I was going
> to keep quiet on this but I think enough on this is enough. There was
> problems you had with our President of the Group because of a matter of
> opinion. Next there was the wanting to jump right in and take over thing.
> Then there was the I am leaving the group because I am mad thing so you
> told everyone. Next after words of back and foward you keep rejoining the
> list and off when you cool off.
> Next there was a time of wanting to take over the Brandon meetings and
> wanting a go between you and Paul.
> Next we get to the thing about the School. Well after that you changed the
> name of your company and when you did you conveniently
> left out again thanks to Slug members about helping you out.
> For the record I do not see any originality here. Next it seems to be a
> thing of taking others ideas and using pieces to benefit ones self.
> This is getting to be a thing of competition and that is going to cause
> more friction. We want the community to grow. We want piece.
> How ever I want you to read this piece from Steve Litt from the Leap of
> Faith.
> Please allow some advice from a founding member of LEAP -- one of the 2
> LUGs existing in Orlando in 1999 (the other one died in about 2001).
> Think long and carefully before forking a LUG. I understand that you have
> some
> issues with SLUG, and from your email, it sounds like there's a serious
> problem with arrogance. If true, this is a problem that *must* be solved.
> But forking a LUG is a long, nasty process, and I predict you and your
> fellow
> FLALUGgers will be widely disliked, and you will probably grow to dislike
> the
> SLUGgers.
> It's nothing personal -- it's just the nature of placing 2 LUGs in a market
> that has room for only one. In the words of Craig Davis, another LEAP
> founder, "we're competing for mindshare". One of the LUGs will probably
> die, but not before a long, protracted and bitter battle.
> The LEAP/ELUG split was unavoidable, even though everyone, on both sides,
> tried to avoid it until the bitter end. The circumstances were extremely
> unusual -- nothing as simple (and IMHO soluble) as your situation with
> The final flame war before the split was heard and lamented worldwide. As a
> member of the LEAP Executive Committee from the start, I saw first hand how
> hard it is to conduct LUG business when you're in a battle for mindshare.
> If I had it to do over again, I would have tried EVEN HARDER to prevent the
> split.
> It would be much better, if possible, to work it out with SLUG.
> Of course, if that's impossible and SLUG doesn't adequately represent the
> needs of you and your fellow FLALUGgers, then I guess you gotta do what you
> gotta do. Just don't expect it to be anything but gruesome.
> And in my experience two competitive but coexisting LUGs in a single
> marketplace is a
> temporary situation -- one will die.
> End quote"
> I am not wanting to point fingers but I just think there is a thing of
> someone wanting to have dominance because of the dissagreement you had with
> Paul Foster. In SLUG we try to be a community and group and a family so to
> speak. There should be total peace as we can accomplish so much. Also there
> is a chance we can make the community grow even larger and stronger. You
> should also know that we have decided to put a cap on more satalite groups
> of SLUG. This is to prevent things that could harm the SLUG name. Not to
> mention make people less intrested by flooding to many meetings.
> I think another group within the same area could cause problems for both as
> it will lower the numbers of people turing out for the meetings.
> How ever I am not here to battle. However there is many who did not know
> the other stuff going on and the intentions of your motives.
> This is all I am going to say about it.
> 1. Do not try to do a new group for the mear means of competition or
> difference of opinions. This will back fire and could make you look bad and
> also turn them off of wanting to be part of either group.
> 2. Promote Peace, knowledge, and the Community. When you are running a
> group you are representing the Linux Community and your actions could
> effect things.
> 3. Next try to promote interaction with the Community and events that will
> help build a more solid foundation for the Linux Community.
> 4. Even when you are against the things that the Redmond guys do try not to
> make waves by slamming them. It will make you look unprofessional. Humor is
> a way to kinda get around this with the right approach.
> 5. Give credit no matter what when someone trys to help you get things
> done. This makes people feel appreciated. This is with projects etc., no
> matter how little or much is done all should be appreciated.
> 6. Don't slam just cause you do not like ones opionions take it in stride.
> How ever if you do expect that person to want come back and slam you.
> Because someone can only take so much. Also make sure you know the whole
> story ! !! ! !
> Good Luck
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David R. Meyer <>
> To: <>
> Date: Sunday, January 05, 2003 10:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Announcement: Formation of a new LUG
> >> Not everyone enjoys your genius, Dave.
> >
> >Awe come on Ian...I get so little chance...usually I'm on the other
> >end. Besides...Dazie was mean to me first ;-|
> >
> >Good Night All,
> >
> >Dave
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