Thanks Ian I'm back and thank you for all your help. After loosing
another Maxtor hard drive. This makes two in a year. Anyway, I installed
an 80 gig western digital drive and in a fit of madness I installed
RedHat 8.0.
I must say this new release sucks. I guess it's fine for a windows
person starting in Linux. But why did Redhat take away some of the old
commands. Could they have just aliased them to fit their new whatever.
I can't figure out how to do anything in the GUI. First I had to get a
terminal (they hid it). Now I can't figure out how to add or change
things in the menus. Case in point. in the Gnome menu there is an item
under internet for instant messaging. Well I don't want GAIM for my
messenger I want to use Everybuddy. And for the life of me I can't find
how to change it the menu to be Everybuddy even as root. The gmenu is no
longer installed nor is it on any of the RedHat disks. And all my
favorite gnome settings like how long a window stays focused and how to
make the mouse selection be 1 click in stead of the normal windows two
clicks are now where to be found. I must say RedHat has really pulled a
Redmond on this release. And I'm still not finding things like the cups
config and who knows what else. Since I'm not far into this install I'm
trying to decide. Do I want to stay with this piece or maybe try anohter
distro or just go back to 7.3
I guess they are doing this so all the RCNE's have to get certified
again. Another Redmond trick :)
Mike M.
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