> > This is all incorrect - DVDs are encrypted at the medium level, otherwise
> > there would be no difference between encrypted an nonencrypted DVDs.
> Again. The "encryption" is nothing but reserved spaces on the DVD that
> the DVD player looks for. The encryption is player-side logic. It's
> like the v-chip: the TV is preventing itself from watching certain
> channels, not the signal.
This is just not true. I assure you that open-source DVD developers would not implement any "player-side encryption logic" unless forced to do so, which they are not.
> > which means either having keys like hardware DVD players,
> > youwhich the MPAA will NEVER grant to an open-source application
> But you just _agreed_ that Linux will play normal DVDs.
By "normal," I meant unencrypted DVDs. Sorry for the confusion. Linux applications can play unencrypted DVDs without providing any decryption support.
> > Every Linux DVD player of which I know either uses libdecss,
> > libdvdcss, or an internal routine to read the keys from the DVD and
> Those are for reading DVDs that were copied without acknowledging the
> reserved areas. Copied.
These are for reading EVERY encrypted DVD, copied or not. I have zero copied DVDs, yet I have needed libdecss, libdvdcss, and the mplayer internal decryption code to read my "store-bought" DVDs ever since I got my DVD drive.
Consider this - if it were possible to play encrypted DVDs using players without any "player-side encryption logic," then it would also be possible to pipe the unencrypted video stream into a file or an encoder instead of displaying it on the screen. Which would be the same as making an unencrypted copy of the DVD. Which would totally defeat the purpose of the encryption in the first place. It's a lousy encryption scheme, but they had a little more foresight than THAT.
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