Pronet Tampa Bay is always looking for speakers. Though you would be
address a bunch of unemployed professionals, the hope here would be that
when they do find work they may be able to introduce Linux or Open
Source into there new company. There are also a number of people that
are starting their own business and this would be a great way for them
the cut costs during the startup and for the long haul. I've thought
about doing something for them on Open Source and I may in the future if
I remain unemployed and can figure out what angle to take on it.
Mike M.
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 06:59, robin wrote:
> Another thought on the "speakers bureau" front: business organizations,
> like Chambers of Commerce. They are almost all hungry for speakers. And
> the great thing about presentations made to business groups is that they
> eventually lead to expanding the pool of Linux jobs and/or consulting
> opportunities -- and not necessarily for the speaker.
> - Robin
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