> On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 23:39, yet another talking monkey vomits:
>> other distros for the average user, and that it is cheaper.
> It is easier to download Debian and its isos than it is purchase it. In
> a nutshell, it is totally free, without cost. Infact, I would argue it
> is harder to purchase Debian, than any other distro.
It is just as easy to download the ISO's for Redhat or Mandrake as it is
for Debian. Actually, Debian makes it a bit harder, because they try to
force you to use Jigdo, rather than just FTP. Either way, as far as the
monetary cost, Debian is no more free than Mandrake or RedHat; the ISO's
for all three distros can be downloaded free.
>> You also seem to imply that it is better because SSH allows remote
>> administration, although all distros can do that.
> You are correct, I was on a Linux rant at that time. All distros can
> enjoy remote administration through SSH.
>>Same with the common desktop regardless
>> of where you log in; any distro can do that using VNC and SSH.
> Whoa Torquemada, VNC is a different creature.
Torquemada? Not familar with that one ;) I was just refering to the fact
that using VNC, you can log into a remote machine from any workstation,
and get the same desktop. I'm sure there are other ways to do it (City of
Largo uses true dumb terminals, and RedHat server, I believe), but VNC is
the only way I am familar with doing it.
> Trying to understand the violent opposition,
> The Logan
I apologize for seeming violent, it is not intended. I respect that people
have different views than I do, and I am enjoying the discussion.
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