[SLUG] Sarasota Meetings Announcement

From: Mark (mark@bish.net)
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 05:32:56 EST

Honeywell bought Baker Electronics and at some time in the near future the
Honeywell name is going on the building.

This needs to be changed in the announcements/website.

Now, to answer the most requested question. I don't know if Honeywell is
going to provide the pizza. I'm working on it.

And quit asking me about jobs. *grin* We are going through layoffs, well
they called it a reduction of the census, at the end of February.

And it would be real nice to get some more people in the room for this one
meeting as that the Honeywell manager might be there and I want to showoff
how we are giving back to the community. I think we are the only
Honeywell facility world-wide to host a linux users' group.

See ya next Wednesday.

| Mark Bishop (mark@bish.net) | Computer Engineer |
| 813-253-2197 | Network Engineer |
| http://bish.net | Embedded Programmer |

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