On Friday 10 January 2003 15:35, you wrote:
> I'd like to ask Tampa members on the list if they would enjoy a
> down-to-earth presentation on running Virtual linux servers using
> User-Mode-Linux? (http://user-mode-linux.sf.net)
> I had wanted to give a demo of linux clustering, but this simply would
> not interest most of the SLUG membership (due to complexity alone). UML,
> on the other hand, will change how you use Linux on a daily basis. Even
> relative novices can handle UML Builder (http://umlbuilder.sf.net) to
> produce test machines to play with various distributions.
> We've been running User-Mode-Linux for a few months now, and I'd like to
> educate the local community to its benefits and use for everything from
> playground desktops and development sandboxing to production hosting.
> Does this interest enough of the Tampa folks to make it worth the
> effort?
This is really a great project. One interesting facet of it from a security
standpoint is making a uml honeypot that resembles a network.
The folks who put this together were on the ball.
> - Ian
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