Levi Bard wrote:
>On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 17:28:17 -0500
>Joe Brandt <bytemepc@directvinternet.com> wrote:
>>The CD demo is a fine beginning. But then what? Increase the number of
>>frustrated people trying to do what Rene did ( standing ovation to Rene ).
>The CD Demo is just to get people interested, though, isn't it? From there, if they like what they try, they can do a "real" install. Perhaps some information should be included on where to get a "real" install CD, and possibly how to attempt a HD install of the demo, and finally contact info for SLUG.
>And what is SLUG going to do, Invite them to sit thorugh an advanced lesson in sendmail or mysql? SLUG is not structured to be of assistance to newbies.
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