Re: [SLUG] Card reader problem

From: Ronan Heffernan (
Date: Tue Jan 14 2003 - 02:02:37 EST

Maureen L. Thomas wrote:
> Sorry it took so long but on the days I work I don't have any time left
> for reading email or doing anything for that matter. Anyway I am using
> Mandrake 9.0 with all the updates installed.

I am not sure how those multi-format devices should be mounted under
Linux (when I plugged a friend's single-format device into my SuSE box,
it auto-mounted and put a filesystem icon on my desktop!). I helped my
parents install one of the Wal-Mart multi-format card readers on their
Windows98 machine at Christmas. Each format (there were 4?) had its own
drive letter (the Sony MemoryStick socket was the I: drive). Maybe
under Linux, each socket needs to be mounted individually??? I'm just
guessing here, but maybe CompactFlash is /dev/sda1, MemoryStick is
/dev/sda2, etc???


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