Re: [SLUG] How do you make mp3 files in Redmond 8.0?

From: Matt Miller (
Date: Tue Jan 14 2003 - 17:22:20 EST

On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 16:25, Mike Manchester wrote:
> Can someone please tell me how to make mp3 files from cds'? Seems that
> every thing in Redmond 8.0 is creating ogg files. I used to use grip in
> Redhat 7.3 but with 8.0 I can't. I seem to be missing the ability to
> make mp3 files. Even mp3encode is set to create ogg files. I can't get
> mp3encode to compile anyway. Damn I've got a walkman that will mp3's but
> no way to create them. Guess I'll just have to go to gnutella and
> download them :)

I've never used the Redmond distro, but perhaps the following will help:


Matt Miller Systems Administrator MP TotalCare gpg public key id: 08BC7B06

-- An improperly trained Samurai dies quickly.

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