[SLUG] Help with New_SLUG site

From: Paul M Foster (paulf@quillandmouse.com)
Date: Fri Jan 17 2003 - 02:16:07 EST

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From: Russell Hires <rhires@earthlink.net>
Reply-To: rhires@earthlink.net
To: slug@nks.net
Subject: Help with New_SLUG site
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 21:27:53 -0500

Hash: SHA1

Hello all...

In response to the recent flame wars (which began innocently enough) I've
been working on importing the SLUG website into a content management system
called Plone (http://plone.org/). Part of the reason for this is to allow for
people to s*bscr*be to a "jobs" page which would email out the people
who are
interested once a job is posted and approved. There's other stuff, too...but
I'll explain that later ;-)

At this point, what I'm looking for is a python script which can write to
exim (which would then send out the mail). I have to do this for now since
I'm on verizon's network but I send mail out through earthlink. Once I'm on a
server that can send out mail via 'localhost' it'll be a different story...

I'm also looking for hosting of a Zope/CMF/Plone instance. I'd have to have
shell access to the zope instance, though I can discuss complete requirements
for this with whomever might volunteer this.

You can check out the site at http://www.village-smurf.com/New_SLUG
Feel free to join the site, add your own stuff, whatever...play with it.

- --
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