Re: [SLUG] Microsoft opens source code to govts

Date: Fri Jan 17 2003 - 11:02:58 EST

"First, the upper echelons of programmers will gain access to the code. Soon
afterward, fits of uncontrollable laughter will sweep through the population,
killing the weak outright and weakening the rest to an extent that even small
colds or excess dosages of caffeine will shove them over the edge. Junior and
unemployed developers will move into the vacated positions, soon suffering
similar fates. Soon, the world will begin suffering from a shortage of software
growth, and will be forced to rely on a static codebase whose bugs will never be
fixed and to which new features will never be added. Only a few underground,
completely unhirable coders will survive, and they will have to remain in hiding
for fear of overt assassination attempts."

And MicroSoft says the GPL is viral huh??? hmmmmmmmmm

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