On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 14:23:17 -0500, Matt Moen wrote:
-> Glad to hear it. These files wouldn't happen to be ending up
-> subdirectories with names like "cur" and "new", would they?
Nope. I created a directory called $HOME/mail, and they are all
going into "mail". They have names like msg.1mqB, msg.1nqB and
so on, and I'm _guessing_ that the numeric part of the extension
is the "fetch number" and then the alpha part is the message
number for that fetch (although I have no idea why it always
starts with mqB, nqB, oqB.... (?)
What would cur and new indicate? (At present I'm running as a
daemon with "k").
I'm going to set up a verbose log file to see what else I can
learn, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Maybe you could comment on something else: What I would like to
do next is to NOT store the messages in the file as above, but
rather, I want to feed them to a POP server on this same
machine. I think there is a setting I can give to procmail
whereby it will create a spool file. I'm not sure what that is,
but I'm assuming... I've been reading about QPopper and the
Washington version,... just surveying the problem before I jump
in. Any words of advice?
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