[SLUG] Linux Distributions for the Clearwater Meeting Saturday

From: Frank Robers _ SOTL (sotl155360@earthlink.net)
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 11:11:49 EST

Hi All

I would appreciate it if someone who has a copy of Mandrake Power Pack 9.0 and
Debian 3.0 would bring their copy of the CDs to the Dunedin meting.

It seems that I cracked one of the disk for my set of Mandrake Power Pack 9.0.
This was not very brilliant since the failure could have been prevented and
it does leave a sort of a hole in my distribution.

Looking at Debian I would like to install that on my test system when I
develop the time.

If some one has these two distributions I would appreciate borrowing them at
the meeting - only.

All disk will be returned to their prospective owner before the end of the


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