Mr. Aaronson is apparently not s*bscr*bed under the address he's
posting from, so his message bounced. Howevever, I thought his message
was sufficiently important to forward it.
----- Forwarded message from -----
From: "Trevor Aaronson" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [SLUG] weekly planet
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 00:45:42 -0500
Although I've never contributed to this listserv before, I do read it.
Because one member raised a question about whether the Weekly Planet's
dismissal of its news staff will affect my planned article on Linux and
SLUG, I thought I should respond:
The answer is no. I finished the article a couple of weeks before the
layoffs were announced. The article should appear in this week's issue,
which will be distributed Wednesday evening and widely available in the
Tampa Bay area by Thursday morning. As I understand it, the article will
then appear in the Planet's Bradenton/Sarasota edition the following week.
It should also be posted on the Planet's Web site -- www. -- toward the end of this week.
Because this is a public forum, I'd prefer not to discuss details about the
layoffs. However, the article in the St. Petersburg Times was accurate and
fair. Right now, I'm taking this time to assess my options and prospects. If
anyone has questions or comments about the layoffs or my Linux article, I'll
be happy to respond to them off-list. My personal e-mail address is
I appreciate all the help and access I received from SLUG in researching the
article. I'm also flattered that the topic came up in this listserv.
Warm Regards,
Trevor Aaronson
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