On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 10:19:33PM -0500, Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 07:29:27PM +0000, jlange1@tampabay.rr.com
> wrote:
> > Tux makes the cover!
> >
> > http://www.weeklyplanet.com
> >
> orderly fashion, without a lot of extraneous cruft. Nothing against
> Robin either, but it's not really important to the overall Linux
> story for me to know that Robin has a big belly, drove a cab, and
> lives in a double-wide. A story without Robin, or Bill, or me, or
> Smitty would have conveyed the essential information adequately.
I think that stuff's important because the article seems mainly to be
about how a group of local folks is sticking it to the Man. Even the
subhead states "A ragtag group of computer users wants to free us from
Microsoft." In an article like this I'd expect characterizations of
the people involved and what they're up against.
I really liked the article. It'd be nice to know if, over the next
week or so, there's an spike in new memebers or requests for
Maybe now would be a nice time to organize an installfest or
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