I asked a similar question at last weekend's SLUG
meeting in Dunedin. Here's the short list:
In no particular order:
LRP (Linux Router Project)
FreeSco - k2.0 based
IPCop - k2.4 based (best recommendation)
Smoothwall (ancestor to IPCop, but k2.2 based)
Mandrake linux router, Redhat linux router, and/or
almost any distro has a do it yourself
routing/firewall configuration.
If I'm totally off-base here then I can only assume
you were looking more for a server list or something
to that effect ... dunno :)
I'm switching from Freesco to IPCop because the of
kernel version, networking improvement, ipchains,
iptables, and squid .. all of those are in IPCop.
Good Luck,
--- "Patrick Grantham (at work)" <pwgrant@cssi-fl.com>
> I am looking for resources on setting up a diskette
> Linux firewall capable
> of routing multiple untrusted IP traffic to specific
> trusted IP's.
> Suggestions?
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